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Monday, June 28, 2010

Pre-show Thoughts

Getting ready to sit down to watch "HUGE" this evening after I put the kids to bed. Looking forward to writing more after I view the show.

I worked all day today on a grant application for a project that BEDA is doing to fund a weight bias and eating disorders educational program. It brought a lot of memories for me and I recalled when my 6 year old came home from school one day and asked "Mommy, why are you a different size than other Mom's." The funny thing is that I am actually the SAME size as many of the Moms he knows. I knew he had witnessed some fat talk at school--exactly what we want to educate on. I am hoping this program will be funded fully so it can be taken to kids ranging from K-12.

My kids aren't taught that "fat" is considered a bad thing. They know that Mommy is the shape and size that she is, just as daddy is his own shape and size. There is no moral value put on human size in our house.

We read "Shapesville" (I strongly recommend it for Pre-K and elementary aged children) and discuss often that every person is different.

It is important to me that my boys do not base their self-worth on what they look like or what shape they happen to be. My own eating disorder has biological foundations, I believe, but the continual harrassment by society to conform to a certain size was key to further destroying my health, body image and self-confidence.

Fat talk is harmful and we must get to a place of acceptance so that people can actually move toward a healthy body and mind.

Off to cuddle with my kids before sending them off to sleepy land. More after the show tonight!

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